Climbing has been growing exponentially as a sport, with centres popping up all over, and it was forecast to boom this year with its introduction at the Summer Olympics Games in Japan, no doubt more people would have been enticed into the ever growing sport. Climbing centres like gyms had to close as a result of Covid-19, some really struggled and could have done with the boom the Olympics would have brought, although with climbers eager to get back they have been booked up upon reopening. Perhaps some climbers are secretly happy their local climbing centre is a climbing community secret for that little bit longer.
So, if you're looking to get into climbing, looking for somewhere new to climb or looking for somewhere indoors for when the weathers a bit gloomy, here's our top climbing centres in England and Wales to try out, now most of them are back open. If you're new to the sport find out what climbings all about and get hooked before the whole world wants to!
Good all rounders
The Boardroom, Queensferry, Wales
This centre has it all in equal measure, normally a centre with such top quality bouldering would sacrifice the space for less top roping or lead climbing walls but the boardroom doesn't do such a thing, there was ample bouldering room and then they went and topped themselves adding a mezzanine and doubling the space, you can even have a go at the psicobloc, just make sure you know how to fall, and as far as food goes this climbing centres trumps the rest!
Rokt Climbing Gym, Brighouse
Rokt houses Yorkshire's tallest indoor climbing wall and the UK's tallest man made outdoor climbing wall its certainly impressive, plus a wealth of bouldering. After multiple floods and Covid 19 when this one opens it could really do with your help!
Lakeland Climbing Centre, Kendal
Happen to be heading to the Lake District to climb and the weather has turned? - head here and innovative indoor climbing centre great for climbing and bouldering. If you're keen to try something different have a go at Europe's first indoor via-ferrata.
Recommended for bouldering
Oakwood, Wokingham, England
Mainly for boulderers, as the top rope and lead climbing area is minimal, but if you're up for bouldering then come here! They reset often, but not too often so you can project and there climbs are always interesting, with lots of new holds. Try their bloc outside or their roof climbing area. Lots of gb climbers also train here so you can watch in amazement!
Red Goat Climbing, York
The one with the best name, a great place to boulder in York with great setters.
Freeklime, Huddersfield
The newest on the list and already holding its own and drawing in many in the climbing community.
Part of the Kendal wall group having expanded their centres into London, try Vauxwest, Vauxeast, Harrowall, Croywall, Ravenswall and Canary Wall for some of the best bouldering in the capital.
Recommended for climbing
North West Face, Warrington, England
This one is certainly is in the grandest building - An old church! Great climbing lots of variety, not so great for bouldering. The best variety of grades and the cheapest on this list!
Manchester Climbing Centre, Manchester
Another one in the grand setting of a converted church. Find some of the best quality top rope and lead climbs in the north west.
Craggy Island, Guildford
A great selection of climbs and grades and unique holds, something for everyones style of climbing! Small bouldering area, much better for lead and top roping. A fair few auto belays in the ice box section for those climbing without a partner.
To help climbing centres out that little bit more; consider buying vouchers for a former climbers birthday present, if you know someone that wants to get into it considering buying them a taster session or a lesson, plus most of them have great food!
Socks and Sandals